
Stipendium till minröjningsutbildning

Stiftelsens första stipendium har delats ut till Serhii Schomashenko. Genom stipendiet har minnesfonden möjliggjort att han kan utbilda fler ukrainare på plats i minröjning.

Ukraina är ett av världens mest minerade länder där befolkningens frihet begränsas akut av landminorna.



Stipendiatens tack

“Dear Marco, the day before yesterday we completed the Mine/ERW rescue training.

1) Fredrik and his team are extremely professional and highly oriented towards our needs. It’s a great honor to work with such partners.

2) Training is fundamentally important for our team, because we train humanitarian demining engineers.

3) It is also important for communities and organizations that live in contaminated areas

4) We repeatedly remembered Edvard and it felt like your guy was with us in the audience and at the test site. (I’ll tell you Marco that when I was walking around the supermarket and buying everything for the training, I also had the feeling that you were nearby and were about to pat me on the shoulder and say something like “Sergey, let’s buy the guys this garland (cake ..)))) so that they would have more fun” We are preparing a report and video for you and will inform our partners and colleagues about our cooperation as much as possible. I hope this will help you find new partners for new things.

Thank you my dears! THANK YOU!!!!



Stöd vår verksamhet!

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